












Seeing Venice I

Creation of the imagery for Seeing Venice stems from my life-long interest in architecture, art, and world history, all of which inspiringly came together during a trip to this remarkable city in September 2015.  Born atop an archipelago in northeastern Italy, Venice (Venezia) has deep roots in both East and West.  The watery city immediately induces a sense of awe due to its setting, urban density, and rich layers of architectural wonders, styles, culture, religion, and bustling commerce.

The composite images within these two portfolios contain a collective story of my day-to-day explorations on foot and by boat.  From one moment and location to the next, the mind and eye experience a delightful yet sometimes bewildering array of views, architecture, ornament, art, fashion, people, and sounds.  These sights become fused together where architecture is layered upon architecture.  Here, centuries upon centuries of Venetian culture are blended together and mixed with daily living and the modern world.

My intent with the imagery of Seeing Venice is to provide an opportunity for others to
experience some of the visual and cultural treasures found within this still magical city.

Click on any photo below to view a larger image.
















Go to Seeing Venice Portfolio II

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