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Artist Statement 
My photographic images are rooted in the deep connection I feel with nature and an acute awareness of patterns and textures in the natural and built world. My compositions also reflect my ranching family background and my background as a landscape architect, and musician.
I experience a pulse of connection when I am in nature, while I am with horses and feeling their wonderful energy and spirit, and when I am absorbed by weather and light. Before and while I photograph, I observe and take time to feel this pulse and explore my subjects and surroundings. This practice allows me to build more intimate relationships with them that hopefully results in my ability to see, feel, and capture their essence.
In much of my recent work, I have created composite images, delighting in a new and engaging perspective. This work is intriguing to me as it combines subjects with elements of form, shape, texture, and pattern that enhance and complement one another. These images for me are like visual lyrical expressions where there is rhythm and mystery.
I am the youngest of six children born into a Montana ranching family. In 1958, when I was three years old, our family moved to Tucson, Arizona. It was there in the beautiful Sonoran Desert that I began developing a keen awareness of and connection with the natural environment. Living on the outskirts of the city, I spent countless hours and days exploring the desert plain, foothills and mountains mostly on my own and often barefoot. The pain of being impaled by stepping on the sharp spines of cacti and other flora, the intense summer sun above and heat underfoot, and presence of poisonous creatures quickly made me realize the need to be alert and recognize some of my own physical limitations. Though I would frequently catch hell from my parents for disappearing into my vast playground, the price I paid was well worth the peace, independence, and adventures I found. It was here that I developed a great fondness for nature and first became impressed with the patterns of light and shadow on the landscape.
From early on I spent hours and hours looking at and fascinated by photo images in National Geographic magazines and Time-Life photography books. At age fourteen I was given my first camera by my oldest sister, Abby, upon leaving for a summer trip to Alaska. With my new half-frame Bell & Howell camera in hand, I began my obsession with photography through capturing images of this new, grand and wild landscape.
Attending the University of Arizona, I received a degree in Landscape Architecture, a field of study that integrated my strong interests in ecology, horticulture, science, art, and design. I was thrilled to land a first post-college job in San Francisco, CA where I was easily able to spend weekends and vacation time backpacking and photographing the magnificent Yosemite Valley and Sierra Nevada Mountains. The photography and technical books of Ansel Adams were an inspiration to my early work.
My love of music is equal to my passion for photography. Growing up I was fortunate to have siblings who were quite talented in music and art, and their enthusiasms heavily influenced me to study art, guitar, and vocal music. Other than my heart and spiritual connection with my loved ones and my compassion for humanity, nothing touches me more deeply on an emotional level than music. Since 2017, my wife, Laura, and I have sung with Boulder based group Seicento Baroque Ensemble.
Northern Colorado has been my home since 1984. I feel very fortunate to live in an area surrounded by such an abundance of natural beauty.
Osmosis Art & Architecture - Niwot, Colorado. I'm delighted to have my work represented at this
well known gallery in eclectic old town Niwot. Osmosis is located at 290 Second Avenue. Please visit
their Website at:
Exhibitions and Events
May 13 - June 12, 2022 - "The Animal Kingdom" - Niza Knoll Gallery
Denver, Colorado
Two of my "Equus Spirit" images were selected for this juried exibition. The gallery is located at 915 Santa Fe Drive.
October 1, 2019 - January 5, 2020 | Longmont United Hospital - Art Walkway
1950 Mountain View Avenue, Longmont, Colorado. I'm pleased to have the opportunity again to share my photography work at my hometown hospital. The collection of work here includes imagery from my portfolios: At 10,000 Feet, Stratified Horses, and Equus Spirit.
March 2 - April 14, 2019 | Western Spirit Art Show & Sale| Cheyenne Old West Museum, WY
1420 Carey Ave., Cheyenne, Wyoming; on the grounds of the Cheyenne Frontier Days.
Awarded BEST of Show for photography medium for my image "Paint in Nature." This was my second time participating in this classic annual western art show.
Curators: Nicole Crawford, Rose Frederick, and Linda Lillegraven.
January 7 - February 23, 2019 | Horse Power | Curtis Center for the Arts, Greenwood Village
2349 East Orchard Road, Greenwood Village, Colorado. Two of my Stratified Horses images were selected for this exhibition celebrating the beauty and power of the horse. A big thanks to Chris Stevens, curator, for an outstanding show.
Art Collections
My photography work is found in private art collections across the U.S. as well as in commerce, medical, and hospitality settings including:
Cirque X Viceroy Residences, Snowmass Village, CO (2023)
MidFirst Bank, Edwards, CO (2019)
First Bank, Denver, CO (2018)
Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, Greeley, CO (2017)
The DEN, luxury apartments, Denver Tech Center, Denver, CO (2016)
Sheraton Mountain Villas, Avon, CO (2016)
Steele Creek, luxury residential living, Cherry Creek, Denver, CO (2015)
CoBank, Denver Tech Center, Denver, CO (2016)
CoBank, Edwards, CO (2014)
CoBank, St. Louis, MO (2017)
The Campbell House Hotel lobby, Lexington, KY (2014)
Owensboro Hospital (serving an eleven county area), Owensboro, KY (2013)
"Creatures" Exhibition - The Kiernan Gallery, Lexington, Virginia. My image "Stratified Horses No. 7" was selected for this main gallery exhibition (2013). Juror: Anne Berry.
Land Through the Lens Photography Exhibition - My image "Land Whispers" (see image) was selected to be part of this Boulder County (Colorado) Parks & Open Space sponsored exhibition. The exhibition was held at The Dairy Center for the Arts, Boulder, Colorado, March 8 - April 19, 2013. Selected by jury.
My image "Stratified Horses No. 7" was selected for Ex Arte Equinis 6 Equine Art International Competition | Art Horse Magazine. The image is featured on the Ex Arte Equinis 6
Equine Art | Art Horse Magazine online site (click here) and will be included in a show book publication for the competition. Juror: Dorota Kudyba - for Art Horse Magazine.
My image "White Percheron" was selected for Ex Arte Equinis 5 Equine Art International Competition | Art Horse Magazine. Juror: Lyne Raff, Editor - Art Horse Magazine.
Previous Showings
September 23 & 24, 2017 - Longmont Studio Tour, Longmont, CO - Studio #17. This was my fourth year doing this popular art event in my hometown. Thanks to everyone that came by to see and purchase my work.
March 4 - April 16, 2017 - Western Spirit Art Show & Sale , Cheyenne Frontier Days Old West Museum, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Three of my western metamorphosis images were jury selected for this classic western art show; "Stratified Bull", "Stratified Horses No. 11", and Stratified Horses No. 22". The Old West Museum is located at 4610 North Carey Avenue.
March 3 - April 14, 2017 - Cityscapes - Impasto Art Gallery, Prospect New Town, Longmont, Colorado. The show featured "city" inspired work by 25 artists from across the U.S. My image titled Seeing Venice No. 39 was selected. The Impasto Art Gallery is located at 2015 Ionosphere Street #4, Longmont, CO.
Osmosis Art & Architecture - February 2017 featured artist -
Niwot, Colorado.
Imagery from my Western Metamorphosis genre of work was exhibited.
Fall 2016 All Colorado Show - Main Street Fine Art Gallery,
Evergreen, CO - sponsored by
the Evergreen Artists Association.
July - October 2016 - Bedhead Coffeehouse & Gallery, Durango, Colorado.
FRESH Art to Farm Experience, Firehouse Art Center & Muse Gallery, Longmont, Colorado,
2015. Exhibition featured 40
artists and 14 local farms
to celebrate the culture of agriculture
the Longmont area
August 2015, Art Fair Jackson Hole, Jackson, Wyoming.
November - December 2015 - Foothills Art Center, Golden, Colorado | Annual HART Show.
May 15 - June 26, 2015 | pARTiculars Members' Show - Lafayette, Colorado.
July - November, 2014 - Longmont United Hospital - Longmont, Colorado.
February 20 - March 15, 2014 - Western Metamorphosis | SYNC Gallery | Denver, Colorado.
March 2014 - Fifth Annual Equine Art in the Park Show - Rocky Mountain Horse Expo - National Western Complex in Denver, Colorado.
December 2013 - Firehouse Art Center- Longmont, Colorado.
November - December 2013 - Foothills Art Center Gallery - Golden, Colorado.
July 2013 - Pikes Peak Arts Fest - America the Beautiful Park, Colorado Springs.
Festival judges from the Pikes Peak Art Council awarded my work second place out of 114 artists.
May - June 2013 - Muse Gallery - Longmont, Colorado. Gallery resident artist.
April 2013 - Louisville Art Association - Members' Show. My image "Stratified Horses No. 9"
was selected for the "Judge's Award" or first place.
October - December 2012 - Muse Gallery - Longmont, Colorado. Gallery resident artist.
November - December 2012 - Foothills Art Center - Golden, Colorado.
September 2012 - Longmont Studio Tour - Longmont, Colorado.
November 25 - December 28, 2011 - Center for the Arts Evergreen, Evergreen, Colorado.
September 2011 - Longmont Studio Tour - Longmont, Colorado.
August 2011 - Evergreen Fine Arts Festival, Evergreen, Colorado.
August 2011 - Riverside Fine Arts Festival, Salida, Colorado.
July 2011 - Art Fair Jackson Hole, Jackson, Wyoming.
July 2011 - Art in the Park, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
March 25 - April 9, 2011 - Rabbit Brush Gallery presented "UnBridled", an exhibtion to benefit Colorado Horse Rescue. Artists included Britt Ripley, Sophy Brown, Virginia Wood, Joni Carr, Kahlie Sue Pinello, Catherine Robles Shaw, Pam Furumo, MaryLynn Schumacher, Nancy Anderson, Joe Adamich, and Roxanne Capaul. The gallery is located in Hygiene, Colorado.
March 11 - April 30, 2011 - Muse Gallery WESTend exhibition titled "Round 'Em Up" featured my
western ranching culture photography and fine custom western boots by David
Hutchings and
Jim Brainard. The Muse Gallery,
Longmont, Colorado.
September 2010 - Longmont Studio Tour - Longmont, Colorado.
September 2010 - Durango Autumn Arts Festival - Durango, Colorado.
June 9 - 13, 2010 - Boulder Arts Association & Longmont Artists' Guild Member's Show, Longmont, Colorado. Awarded First Place in the photography catagory for my image "One Man's Culture." Juror: Diane Perry.
May 3 - May 27, 2010 - Solo exhibition Rawhide, Steel & Bone at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Gallery One, Boulder, Colorado. Twenty-four images were exhibited, featuring work from two portfolio series "At 10,000 Feet" and "One Man's Culture".
April 23 - May 21, 2010 - Evergreen Art Open. Two of my western ranch culture images were juror selected to be part of this seventy piece mixed media exhibition. My image "Paint Profile"
was awarded Best of Show for the exhibition. I also received a Merit Award for my image "One Man's Culture." Evergreen Center for the Arts, Evergreen, Colorado.
Juror: Doug Dawson.
2010 - Image selected for the FLORAL Exhibition at The Vermont Photography Workplace / PhotoPlace Gallery. Feb. 9 – Mar. 6, 2010.
Middlebury, Vermont.
Juror: Sally Apflebaum.
2009 - Two images selected for The West - Old, New, Wild, True exhibition at the Chautauqua Community House, Boulder, Colorado. September 4 - 7, 2009.
Juror: Mary Williams.
2004 - Image selected and awarded honorable mention for 2004 International Fine Art Photography Exhibition at
The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Juror: Mary Virginia Swanson.
1999 - Solo exhibition of twenty-five giclée prints at Lloyd’s Art Gallery, Fort Collins, Colorado.